To advocate, organize, create, develop, implement, foster, and ensure the thriving of BAMBD, Oakland, CA through vigilant organizing, development of infrastructure, and the creation of mechanisms for stewardship and advocacy.



To create, In the tradition of the Black Arts Movement, a Black culture driven space dedicated to the growth, cultivation, and sustaining of Black livity, (good strong life.)

BAMBD, CDC will honor Oakland’s contributions to, The Black Arts Movement, one of America's most impactful social movements and its most productive literary era.  It will encourage self-directed solutions to endemic issues that thwart thriving in Black communities. It will acknowledge the work of Black Arts Movement progenitors, contributors, its body of work, and its cultural intentions, as expressed by the contributions made by Oakland’s Black population. BAMBD, CDC will uplift the historical importance of the Black Arts Movement, which continues to influence self-determined international movements for equity and inclusion.

BAMBD, CDC's mission is to facilitate and amplify the value of the continued development of Oakland’s culture-driven ecosystem. BAMBD, CDC is dedicated to the creation and stewardship of the Black Arts Movement Business District. In this role we will help to sustain anchor institutions, advocate for their interest, create new institutions and broaden opportunity through the devolvement of strategies that comprehensively serve our most impacted populations.


BAMBD, CDC will be instrumental in sustaining Oakland’s marginalized North American African presence and will subsequently benefit all marginalized communities, as well as greater Oakland, by its progressive model and the opportunities afforded those above.

The vision for BAMBD, CDC is that it will perform the role of stewards for the overall good of the District and community by offering an anchor for a corollary of organizations all working together with the intention of serving the District in a unified manner.

BAMBD, CDC is an institution intended to exist in perpetuity to guide the development of the District; to help ensure its economic and spiritual health, and to facilitate its continued growth.


In response to the opportunity presented by the passing of Resolution #85958 by the Oakland City Council on January 19, 2016, which established the Black Arts Movement Business District; we here-in create the Black Arts Movement Business District, Community Development Corporation of Oakland, a non-profit organization.

BAMBD, CDC, a community-based non-profit, invested in immediate, self-directed pro-active solutions to systemic issues faced by Oakland’s Black community.  A successfully developed hybrid Black Arts Movement Business District, in which the community provides vision and the city facilitates that vision, holds the potential to simultaneously work on many interrelated issues that historically and currently problematize Black thriving in Oakland.

We acknowledge the breadth of work being done by various organizations that serve the Black community in Oakland. The CDC seeks to serve as a connection between those who could potentially benefit from the successful activation and stewardship of the BAMBD.  And to use that interface to actively focus on engaging in strategic planning, advocacy, implementation of programs, civic organizing, public education, influencing and supporting the creation of appropriate city policies, and facilitate activities consistent with creating platforms for participation, investment, and sustainability for the District and its constituents. It will provide a dedicated inter-connected interface for promoting the common interest of the Black community and its organizations, businesses, and service providers.

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